About Us
Basic Training Centre, Dergaon came into existent in the Year 1962. It is approved by NCTE (National Council for Teacher Education) and affiliated by SCERT, Assam. The campus of Basic Training Centre is located in Dergaon, District: Golaghat.
It has maintained its excellence in imparting knowledge and imbibing values among the trainees and preparing them to be resourceful future teachers. The first batch of in-service teachers training started on 1st of august 1962. But later from 2017, pre-service teacher training courses were implemented and still running till date. The centre’s prime concern is all round development of trainees to help them become competent for future.

The Dergaon Basic Training Centre would like to draw the attention of States & Central Ministers through its performance since 1962.
Being a teacher education institution, Basic Training Centre, Dergaon, aim to empower student teacher to grow as individuals with strong open discerning methods with an international perspective, preparing them to make a mark in the global village-the world come to be today.
The practical experience of learning enables our student teachers to leave our institute daily with either something in their hand, something in their mind, and something in their heart. Our staff fruitfully employs two diverse strategies; which are of love and logic to foster a positive learning environment for all of our student teachers. A teacher’s responsibility does not end with just teaching a child, but they also should praise, encourage, mentor, guide, influence, inspire, and instruct the child so that they can love learning.
I have joined as a Teacher Educator of Arts at Dergaon BTC in 2015 and have taken the charge of Principal from December/2022. I think the trainees coming from nook and corner of Assam have attained their professional expertise as well as their individual proficiency.
I believe that Dergaon BTC will be able to supplement the educational needs of 21st Century with its flourishing information and educational Technology in the days to come, irrespective of all odds.
Abdul Latif Sheikh,
Basic Training Centre, Dergaon
Our Establishment History
Basic Training Centre, Dergaon was established in the year 1962.At the time of the establishment of this institute, the MLA of Dergaon Constituency was Late Naren Sarmah. The people of Dergaon shall always remember his name and remain indebted to him for his contribution towards establishing this institute. Due to his diligent endeavor 60 Bighas of government land was sanctioned to establish the Dergaon Basic Training Centre. It is said that some people were against and opposed its establishment in its present place claiming the location was flood prone. But after overcoming many such hurdles the institute was finally established in the year 1962.
After its establishment, there was no looking back and the first batch of in-service teachers training was started on 1st of August 1962 with strength of 100 male teacher trainees. Late Ram Charan Deka was the founder Principal of this institute. Later in 1963 the government approved the centre as the Female trainees institute of the state. During the period of 1962 to 1978 this centre conducted many batches of 1 year in service and 2 year Pre- service trainings. But later restricted to only in-service training. This centre conducted D.El.Ed. in ODL mode in the year 2017-2019 and the curriculum of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) was taught here and given D.El.Ed. training parallely. In the year 2008-2010, this centre conducted IGNOU Study Centre also. Previously, Basic Training Centers were under Elementary Education from 1962-1990 and later from 1991, it has been running under Directorate of SCERT, Assam, Guwahati.
Objective of Establishment
Objective of Basic Training Centre is to improve quality education of pre-service and in-service teacher trainees to prepare themselves to act as a good teacher in future.
Role and function
Role of Basic training Centre is to provide basic training to in-service teachers previously and provide training for Diploma in Elementary Education to pre-service training for teacher at present.